Sunday, February 17, 2008

Picture update

Today's Weigh-In: 214.0 lbs.
5-Day Average: 214.16 lbs.

I finally got the change to take some new pictures, and I thought I would share them. Keep in mine that I've only lost 5 pounds since the last ones, but my body composition has changed quite a bit since I started doing CrossFit. The last set of pictures can be found here.

I kinda look like I have some kind of palsied arm in the last one, but it's just cuz my camera wasn't centered. My left arm is actually normal looking :)

Lost some of the love from the love handles, and I can actually see some muscle definition now, but I still have a long way to go. Pictures are nice because they are unforgiving. I always look in the mirror and think "wow I look rad" but pictures tell the true story. That's it for me.


Rob Tucker said...

You can definitely tell a difference. Good for you. You're right too - pictures are the great equalizer. They put you in your place, that's for sure. Speaking of which, I should do some new ones, haven't done any in a while.

Brent said...

Is that... tricep? I think it is :) Man, your neck and belly have slimmed down tremendously. That's awesome, your sides are way trimmer too. Good stuff. Oh btw, did you try your maxes today or did you forget? :P

Brent said...

Also, I forgot to mention, your stomach doesn't look like a belly anymore. It's reminiscent of the power lifters with the big, strong abs. I'm starting to get something like that. Soon enough you'll have abs poking through :)

Jay said...

Looking good man! Keep up the good work. Pics are always the way to go. I was just thinking that I needed to take some!