Friday, June 20, 2008

New experiment

Today's Weigh-In: 201.2 lbs.
5-day Average: 201.4 lbs.

Ah, the end of the week. Looking back, I've dropped 1.4 pounds off my average this week, so I'm very happy about that. I'm not really sure how that happened, as I've been eating pretty much the same (possibly even worse) than normal, and I've only gotten in one workout. Oh well, maybe my body is finally just ready to let go of some of this fat due to me eating a little bit more calories than usual? Who knows. All I know is that I'm ready to get my butt back in gear and get on it. I'll get in a workout tomorrow, and I plan on only eating real, home-cooked food this weekend.

I'm also going to be attempting to limit/eliminate my bread/grain intake, and focus on fresh vegetables, fruit, meats, eggs, oils, and nuts, because I really do believe that is the ideal diet for human beings. I keep trying to eliminate processed foods from my life, but I'm kinda worried that if I reduce my carbs then I'll not have the necessary energy in the gym. But I've never actually tried it, so I don't have any idea how many carbs I really need each day. So I'm going to give this a shot and see how I feel. Should be fun.


Jason said...

That's awesome how much you've lost off of your 5-day average. Well done! I am currently taking the week off everything for recovery and I needed a mental break, and I haven't been eating that well either and I seem to be losing weight as well.

Let me know how the new stricter diet works out. I'm curious to know some of the things you'll be eating as well. So if you get a chance could you post something like a typical day of food intake. I'm always looking to find new foods because I get kind of bored with foods (I'm pretty burnt out on turkey chili).

Keep up the good work man, I'll see you in onderland soon!

inked said...

Good job on dropping the average down that much in a week. Pretty impressive.

I think that with all the stress and inflamation that is put on the body from training in a energy deficit, the body needs an extended break every now to help keep the machine running smoothly. I read an article about people that were training for an extended period of time while in an energy deficit who took a break and just did recovery work and lost weight. The article said that alot of the weight was retained water weight that they had been carrying for a long time due to physical stress. It was pretty interesting although it sounds kind of lame as I type this!

Keep up the good work and good luck on cutting out the refined stuff. Have a good weekend Geoff.

Anonymous said...

The body's weird like that, isn't it?

There have been a couple times where I eat piss poor - or just bleh, okay - and a single workout makes my weight drop down two pounds.

All I can do is say, "Okay.. thanks, Lord," and keep on pushing hard.

Ripx180 said...

hey man if you are going to do the low carb thing give a fare try for a couple weeks. You will fill kind of tired and may have some headaches but your body will adjust and you will be fine. At least that was my experiance. After a while you should add back in some whole grains, berries etc. I also agree natural foods are the way to go. I bet you drop weight quick if you stick to your plan. I'll be watching and waiting for you results.